Admission Decisions

The Office of Admission evaluates all application materials submitted to the College. Admission to a program is based upon the requirements for that specific program.

  • Full Admission – Applicants who have submitted the application fee, enrollment deposit, all required documentation, and meet all minimum admission requirements will be granted full admission. Full admission does not automatically guarantee admission to a specific program.
  • Denied Admission – Applicants who do not meet the minimum qualifications for acceptance to the College will be denied admission. Applicants who are denied admission to the College may file an appeal according to the procedure as outlined in the letter of denial.
  • Readmission – Applicants who have not attended Mercy College for three consecutive semesters and/or attended another college/university may be granted readmission. Such applicants must complete a new application for admission and submit all updated official transcripts to the Office of Admission.
  • Conditional Admission – Applicants who are missing one or two required components of the application materials will be granted conditional admission, based on receipt of the missing component(s).  Once the missing component(s) are received and verification of minimum qualifications for acceptance is completed, applicants will be granted full admission.

Please note: A student whose degree or educational program requires licensure in order to practice their profession is responsible for contacting the licensing board in the state(s) in which the student intends to sit for the appropriate licensure exam(s) to determine the requirements for obtaining licensure and whether the student will be able to meet those requirements. Mercy College of Ohio makes no representations regarding any student’s ability to sit for the licensure exam(s) or to obtain employment in their chosen field.

Readmission (Not in Good Standing)

Students dismissed from the College due to academic, non-academic/conduct, or financial reasons as specified in this Catalog, must meet the parameters of the College’s procedures in order to return. Please contact the appropriate office for readmission procedures: academic issues, the Office of Student Records; non-academic/conduct issues, the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students; business holds, the Office of the Bursar.

Readmission Following Academic Dismissal

Students who have requested and been approved for readmission following dismissal for academic reasons will be readmitted on academic probation.

Students who have been academically dismissed from Mercy College for the first time must sit out of Mercy College for at least one semester (16 weeks) following dismissal. Students academically dismissed for the second time must sit out a minimum of one academic year prior to applying for readmission to the College. Applicants will not be considered for readmission if academically dismissed from Mercy College more than twice.

Readmission to the College does not guarantee readmission to a specific program of study. Admission and/or readmission criteria to the program of study must be met.

Readmission Following Non-Academic Dismissal

Students who have requested and been approved for readmission following dismissal for non-academic reasons will be readmitted with conditions as determined by the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students.

Readmission Following a Business Hold

Students who have requested and been approved for readmission following a business hold will be readmitted with conditions as determined by the Bursar.