Verification of Student Identity Policy

Policy approved by Mercy College Board of Trustees, June 2018

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Mercy College of Ohio (“the College”) verifies the identity of all students participating in land-based and distance education, consistent with regulatory and accreditation requirements.

This policy applies to all credit-bearing courses or programs offered by the College, beginning with the application for admission and continuing through to a student’s graduation, transfer, or withdrawal from study.

The College must ensure the student who is enrolled in courses or programs is the same student who participates in and completes and receives the academic credit; therefore, verification of student identity is a standard of admission at the College. It is a required component of the admission process regardless of whether the student participates in land-based or distance education.

In gathering and storing this information regarding student identity, the College complies fully with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This act protects the privacy of student information by requiring, with certain limited exceptions, that the student's consent must be obtained before disclosing any personally identifiable information in the student's education records.

To meet regulatory and accreditation requirements, the College utilizes the following methods of identity verification:

  1. Provide students with a secure login and passcode;
  2. Provide for proctored examinations; and
  3. Provide new or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identification.

Secure Login and Passcode

All students (land-based and distance) at the College are provided a User ID for secure access to college systems. Students are responsible for providing complete and true information in any identification verification process. It is against College policy for a user to give someone his or her password or to allow others to use his or her accounts.

In addition, Canvas, the College’s learning management system (LMS) utilizes the OAuth2 security protocol and takes appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. These measures include internal reviews of data collection, storage and processing practices, and security measures, including appropriate encryption and physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where personal information is stored: (

Proctored Examinations

Proctored exams provide a point of contact with the student. Students are informed at the time of enrollment that they may be responsible for any costs incurred at the proctor site. Students are required to show proof of identity at all proctored exams.

New or Other Technologies

The College continuously employs new technologies that are effective in verifying the identity of students, while maintaining reasonable and appropriate safeguards to protect student privacy.

The Process for Verification of Student Identity is as Follows:

  1. In-seat programs
    1. Admitted students must provide the following at orientation:
      1. An active driver’s license, active state-issued identification card, U.S. Military ID, or U.S. Passport.
    2. A photocopy will be placed in the student file as verification of identification, unless it is a U.S. Military ID which will not be photocopied.
  2. Online/Distance programs
    1. Students applying for admission must provide the following to the admission officer during the application process:
      1. A photocopy of his/her active driver’s license, active state issued identification card, or U.S. Passport.
      2. An additional form of identification to verify identity such as: certificate of birth, U.S. Passport, utility bill in student name at current address, formal work identification badge, or active professional state licensure information.
    2. This information must be mailed to the Office of Admission (Attention: Student Verification) at 2221 Madison Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, 43604. Students may also email their documents to their Admissions Officer. These items will be placed in the file of the prospective student as verification of identification.

Secure Login and Passcode

  1. New land-based students obtain their Username and Student ID through the Office of Student Records at orientation. Online students receive a packet of information with their Username and Student ID.
  2. Students have the option to change their password upon entry into any or all of the three systems that are accessible to them: Empower, Canvas (the online Learning Management System (LMS)), and/or Mercy College email. Should the student forget this password, Canvas will issue a password reset link to the email of record.

Phone Verification of Student Identity

For students who call the College to conduct student business, identity is verified through a three-step process:

  • Students must verify birthdate.
  • Students must verify address of record.
  • Students must verify Student ID number.

Proctored Examinations

  1. Faculty who choose to use proctored exams must complete 518-B Notification of Proctored Exam Form. When an instructor requires a proctored exam, a student can either find an approved proctor (e.g., Locating a Proctor) or take the exam at Mercy College where the instructor will proctor the exam.
    1. Students taking the exam off-campus are required to complete 518-A Student Request for Proctored Exam Form.
  2. Students are required to show proof of identity with a State-issued Photo ID or Passport for any proctored exam.

New or Other Technologies

Methods to verify identity in distance education courses can include, but are not limited to:

  • Having students upload a personal photo to their Canvas profile
  • Assigning a video presentation for class projects
  • Using synchronous methodologies such has a scheduled phone call or the Conference feature in Canvas to meet and discuss course topics with students