Withdrawal from a Course

Prior to withdrawing from a course, students should contact the Office of Financial Aid (see Return of Title IV in Mercy College Catalog).

Students who elect to withdraw from a course should contact their academic advisor and complete the Drop/Withdrawal/Leave form found in the Student Records tab in the Schedule/Grade Details menu in EMPOWER ME. Once students have been withdrawn from a course, they cannot be reinstated into the same course and section for that semester.

Student transcripts will indicate a “W” if students complete the process prior to the withdrawal deadline as indicated by the Academic Calendar (https://mercycollege.edu/academics/academic-calendar). Any course withdrawal after the published deadline for the current semester will receive a grade of “WP” (withdrawal pass) or “WF” (withdrawal fail) depending on the student’s current grade in the course. A grade of “WP” will not affect grade point average; however, a grade of “WF” will be calculated in the grade point average. Students are not permitted to withdraw during finals week.