Student Complaint Policy

Policy approved by Mercy College Board of Trustees, June 2018

Mercy College has established a policy and procedure for addressing the concerns and complaints of students fairly and promptly, when there is no other more specific policy or procedure that governs the matter at hand.

This policy applies only to concerns and complaints of students at the College, and the procedure will only be utilized when the subject matter of the concern or complaint is not covered by another policy or procedure.

The College is committed to providing an educational climate that is conducive to the personal and professional development of each individual. The Student Complaint Policy and Procedure can be used when students believe they have been treated unfairly or inequitably by another member of the College community or if they have other complaints about their experience at the College, and the subject matter of the concern or complaint is not covered by existing policies and procedures, such as the College’s Title IX, Violence Against Women and Campus SaVE Policy and Procedures, the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Academic Appeal Process.

Before filing a complaint under this policy, a student is encouraged to seek an informal resolution of the matter by discussing it directly with the individual(s) involved. However, seeking informal resolution is not required. Also, note that the College prohibits retaliation against any individual for bringing a complaint under this policy or participating in an investigation. Additionally, students are advised that the Student Complaint Policy and Procedure will not be used as an additional appeal when another set of procedures has already been applied.

External Complaints: In addition to filing an internal complaint with the College using the procedure below, students also have the right to file a complaint with any of the following: