2022-23 Course Catalog

Associate of Applied Business


The Program - Business Management (ASAP)

The MTC Business Management Adult Student Accelerated Program (ASAP) offers a unique way for working adults to fit earning a college degree into their busy lives.  By attending class one evening per week and taking two online courses, students can earn an associate degree in Business Management.  Between weekly classes, students complete coursework online, on their own schedule.  The curriculum is taught one course at a time in an interactive, team-based learning environment. This program enables students to connect with their peers and establish a network of friends who provide support throughout the degree program.

What Will It Take to Succeed?

To be successful, a student must make a personal commitment to attend each weekly class, work independently between class sessions, and complete all assignments on time.

Students in the Business Management ASAP will learn to…

  • Perform applicable mathematical calculations throughout the business environment.
  • Communicate professionally both in writing and verbally with co-workers, managers, stakeholders, and customers.
  • Integrate technology skills in making business decisions and performing business functions.
  • Use problem-solving and decision-making skills in preparing and implementing business solutions.
  • Demonstrate good work habits, interpersonal and virtual teamwork skills, and a high level of professionalism.
  • Exhibit inclusiveness where each perspective is considered while progressing toward common goals.
  • Use the problem solving method to solve customer concerns and business problems
  • Identify individual and organizational behavioral strategies
  • Use technology to present a project
  • Apply business concepts to create a business plan
  • Apply generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to measure, process and communicate financial information.
  • Apply theory and practical applications to budgeting, break-even analysis, cost analysis, product costing, and profit planning.
  • Demonstrate business practices within the Business Management field.
  • Develop a marketing plan incorporating new product, promotions, sales ideas, and strategies.
  • Describe legal requirements and ethical considerations pertaining to organizations.

Application Requirements

Application Process

Limited Enrollment

  1. MTC Application for Admission and non-refundable application fee.
  2. Complete the Adult Student Accelerated Program (ASAP) Application.
    1. Document two years of full-time work experience.
    2. Submit a commitment essay detailing personal goals for pursuing this program.
  3. Provide official transcripts—required to have a 2.50/4.00 overall grade point average. 
    1. Official high school transcript or GED results.
    2. Official college transcript(s), if applicable.
  4. Demonstrate college-readiness by achieving the required minimum score on a placement test, successfully completing any required college foundation courses, or satisfying other measures including but not limited to high school coursework, previous college coursework, samples of work, etc.

    Pass the Technology Skills Test (TST) or completion of Computer Basics (OIS1200) prior to beginning the accelerated program, must successfully complete these courses before the ASAP begins.
  5. Participate in an Adult Student Accelerated Program (ASAP) interview, which will be scheduled with applicants who meet the criteria listed above.


To Learn More Visit


Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

  • Office Manager                             
  • Sales Manager
  • Bank Manager                               
  • First-line Supervisor
  • Assistant Manager                       
  • Project Coordinator
  • Marketing Supervisor


Degree Received Associate of Applied Business

Mixture of core business, communications, management, and IT courses; program is completed by attending class one evening per week, one course at a time, in an accelerated format.

The U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook is a useful tool for career research on a variety of management, marketing, and human resources positions https://www.bls.gov/ooh/

The Small Business Administration is an excellent source of information for anyone contemplating going into business. http://www.sba.gov

First Semester - Spring

MGT1400Introduction to Management


OIS1240Computer Applications


COM1400Oral Communication


Second Semester - Summer

ENG1000English Composition I


ENG1100English Composition II


Third Semester - Fall

BUS2150Legal Environment of Business


MGT2410Organizational Behavior


OIS1340Advanced Excel and Data Visualization


PSY1100Introduction to Psychology


Fourth Semester - Spring





ENG1200Business Communications


Fifth Semester - Summer

MGT2510Project Management


ACC1400Financial Accounting


Sixth Semester - Fall

ACC1700Managerial Accounting


MGT2210Human Resource Management


MKT2030Principles of Marketing


Seventh Semester - Spring





MGT2500Entrepreneurship and Small Business