2020-21 Course Catalog


Canvas is a course and learning management software product used by faculty to deliver course materials via the Internet for nearly all courses. Registered MTC students can access Canvas using a web browser such as Google Chrome. Students are automatically enrolled in the Canvas courses when classes begin each term. The Canvas tool can be accessed on MTC’s website, www.mtc.edu.

Canvas enables instructors to create discussion forums, deliver online tests and quizzes, keep track of student grades, provide copies of PowerPoint presentations, create external links to supplemental material, present video and audio, and other similar functions. In addition, Canvas provides calendaring and email functions for students.

Instructors may provide an orientation session during the first week of class. If you are unfamiliar with using Canvas, please let your instructor know. Students who enroll in an online course are expected to be proficient with successfully navigating Canvas prior to enrolling. Support for Canvas is available by emailing helpdesk@mtc.edu.