2020-21 Course Catalog

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

MTC is required to define and enforce Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for those students receiving financial assistance. These standards require that you satisfactorily complete a prescribed number of credit hours each term. The number of hours you must complete is based on your plan to enroll full time or part time as indicated on your registration form.

These standards are established only for those students who are receiving financial assistance from one or more of the following programs: Pell Grants, FSEOG, OCOG, College Work-Study Program, MTC Scholarships, and Direct Loan Programs.

Full-Time Students

Students whose aid is based on a full-time status must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per term.

Part-Time Students

Students whose aid is based on a half-time status must complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours per term.

Maintaining SAP

A student will be considered to be maintaining SAP if they meet all the following requirements:

Maintain the required 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA);

Satisfactorily complete the necessary number of credit hours (67%) per term; and,

Will graduate within 150% of the credit hours required to complete their program of study.


Students must maintain a 2.00 GPA as determined by the college to retain eligibility for federal aid.

Students must satisfactorily complete 2/3 (67%) of attempted credit hours each term. Successful completion is defined as receiving any of the following grades: A, B, C, D or S (Satisfactory). The following grades are not considered successful completion of a course: F, FN (failing due to non-attendance) W (Withdraw), U (Unsatisfactory), I (Incomplete)* or R (Audit).

A student must complete his/her program of study within a time frame not exceeding 150% (in credit hours) of the published program length.

Change major/degree - If a student changes majors, he/she is still required to complete the degree or certificate within the maximum time frame.


All current financial aid recipients will have their completed credit hours and grades monitored at the end of each term to see if they have met the requirements stated above.

Financial Aid Warning

If a student fails to meet any of the above criteria in a term, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Warning and notified in writing. To regain SAP status, the student must satisfactorily complete all courses for which they are registered. Withdrawing from a course is not considered satisfactory completion. A student who is on Financial Aid Warning and does not meet SAP will be suspended from receiving federal financial aid.

Financial Aid Suspension

A student who does not meet SAP requirements after being placed on Financial Aid Warning will have their financial aid suspended resulting in the termination of all financial aid. Students having their financial aid suspended will be notified in writing and required to pay for tuition/fees until they regain Satisfactory Academic Progress conditions. Students suspended may appeal the suspension.


Reinstatement of financial aid eligibility may be granted after completing, at your own expense, the number of hours necessary to return to the minimum standard.

Appeals Procedures

If a student feels there are extenuating circumstances (i.e., illness/injury of student, serious illness/death within the immediate family, or other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the student) they may appeal Financial Aid Suspension in writing to the Financial Aid Office. A student must complete the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form and return it with all supporting documentation to the Financial Aid Office for review by the Financial Aid Director. The student will be notified in writing of the action taken on their appeal. The decision made on the appeal is final. Students may also regain financial aid eligibility by completing coursework at their own expense until all conditions of SAP are met.