ORGL 3025 Generating and Evaluating Nonprofits

In this course, the student will evaluate important social, political, and economic aspects of organizations and activities in the nonprofit sector, and will assess important legal dimensions and guidelines established for qualifying nonprofit institutions. The student will critique key aspects of nonprofit management that influence organizational effectiveness. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW

Major Topics

  • Generating a nonprofit
  • Governance
  • Legal framework
  • Innovation opportunities
  • Revenue issues
  • Partners and collaborators


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Critique the changing role of the nonprofit sector in contemporary society.

2. Evaluate the legal and tax implications of organizing and managing a nonprofit.

3. Analyze differences between management in the nonprofit sector and management in other sectors of the economy.

4. Recommend a plan which maximizes effective performance of volunteers to support the organization’s mission.

5. Evaluate how boards set strategic direction for nonprofits by authorizing and guiding initial direction for programs.

6. Examine the relationship between the board of directors, the staff executive, volunteers, and extended staff.

7. Critique elements of effective and fiduciary responsibilities in nonprofit governance.