INET 1650 Web Programming I

This course covers the basics of client-side web programming. The student will build and style web pages with HTML and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). The student will review fundamental programming constructs (variables, statements, sequences, decision control structures, loops, and objects) within the context of JavaScript. The student will write code to manipulate web pages and respond to user input. Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in COSC 1010. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW

Major Topics

  • Program components of web pages

  • Syntax and proper structure of HTML and CSS components

  • Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Implement JavaScript for page interaction

  • Validate, test, and debug web pages


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Define basic web page terminology.

2. Apply proper HTML structure to content.

3. Stylize a variety of web pages using HTML and CSS.

4. Explain the Document Object Model (DOM), its properties, and how HTML and the DOM are related.

5. Demonstrate a systematic method of problem solving.

6. Implement simple web applications using basic data structures, conditionals, and arrays.

7. Demonstrate the ability to locate and analyze error messages.

8. Apply proper programming, testing, and debugging techniques.

9. Use modern tools to develop web applications.