HLED 2006 Health for Elementary Educators
In this course, students will examine national and state health standards in elementary schools. Sample health curricula, learning models and approaches will be compared. Students will present health lesson plans and demonstrate how they can integrate into language arts curricula. Current health related issues facing the elementary age student, families, and the elementary classroom teacher will be evaluated. (1 lect.)
Major Topics
- Wyoming Health Education Content and Performance Standards
- Health Curricula
- Learning Models/Approaches
- K-6 Health Related Issues
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the Wyoming Health Education Content and Performance Standards.
2. Use the WHECP information to construct lesson plans.
3. Explain the importance of Comprehensive School Health and Coordinated School Health as they relate to health risk reduction.
4. Create lesson plans for specific health content skill acquisition.
5. Analyze health instruction teaching styles and techniques in the K-6 curriculum.
6. Examine current health related issues that concern public schools.
Other Information
Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:
Assessment for the above objectives will be through course discussions, participation, creative projects, applicable lesson plans, a 3-5 page research paper with five or more sources cited, and chapter tests.