In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Study the uses of Linux and its philosophy.
2. Install the Linux operating system.
3. Login to a Linux system and work with the command line.
4. Create and maintain the Linux file system.
5. Perform user and group administration.
6. Work with editors and text tools.
7. Install and configure the TCP/IP network transport protocol.
8. Install and configure printing in the Linux environment.
9. Install the X Windows environment.
10. Customize the X Windows environment.
11. Manage the file system under X Windows.
12. Recognize problems in Linux installation and operation.
13. Determine the appropriate action to take for common problems.
Recommended textbook: Guide to Linux Installation and Administration 2nd Edition by Nicholas Wells, Course Technologies. ISBN#: 0619130954
Software Used:
-Redhat Fedora Core 2
-Other Linux distributions may be introduced as time allows