AGRI 3200 Forages and Crops

This advanced course is designed to provide the opportunity for the student to evaluate the components, management, and production processes for forages and crops. The student will engage in implementing the layout and management of forage and grazing systems and will develop a forage management plan within a theoretical context. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW

Major Topics

  • Identify how forage growth processes affect forage management and quality
  • Identification of the components of forage quality and how they affect animal productivity
  • Local crops and our grazing systems for beef, dairy, sheep, and horse production


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Examine how forage growth processes affect forage management and quality.

2. Critique techniques for forage cultivar selection, stand establishment, pasture renovation, fertilization, and weed control.

3. Evaluate the layout and management of forage and grazing systems for beef, dairy, and horse production.

4. Appraise the components of forage quality and how they affect animal productivity as determined by chemical composition, environment, and management practices.

5. Assess techniques of hay and silage production and storage in a variety of cultures from around the world.