Academic Amnesty

Academic Amnesty allows students to remove grades from their cumulative GPA for courses in which they earned a D or F. To qualify for Academic Amnesty, the student must be enrolled in a CWC degree program or seeking to transfer. Amnesty cannot be granted for work applied toward a degree that has been awarded. A minimum of one year must have passed between the end of the semester(s) for which amnesty is sought and the date of amnesty application. The student must have earned a minimum 2.0 grade point average in at least 12 credit hours earned during the most recent semester(s) enrolled at CWC. All transcripted courses in all semesters needed to compile the minimum 12 credit hours will be used in calculating the minimum grade point average. Academic Amnesty does not apply to coursework from other post-secondary educational institutions. Academic Amnesty Petitions may be obtained from the Student Records Office.

If Academic Amnesty is approved, the student’s record for the course(s) approved will not be counted toward completion of the current degree program, admission to CWC programs, application for CWC scholarships nor satisfactory academic standing. (This policy does not include review of federal financial aid eligibility. A separate written appeal must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office for financial aid eligibility). To earn credit toward a degree for the course removed, the course must be repeated.

All previous work, whether from CWC or transfer, will remain on the student’s permanent record. A notation will be entered when/if amnesty is granted, and the appropriate calculations in grade point average will be made to reflect the granting of amnesty and will be printed on the CWC transcript. Academic Amnesty, if granted, will only be applicable to CWC and does not impose any decision on any other institution(s) which the student may subsequently attend. A student may be granted Academic Amnesty at CWC only one time.