AECL 1971 Crop Production Practicum II

The student will develop hands-on skills for diverse fruit and vegetable crop production with an emphasis on soil health, organic and regenerative principles. Mid-season growing methods and techniques suitable for both field and garden scale production will be covered. The format consists of online learning modules with course content, quizzes, activities and in-person field based classes four days a week. Field days will include off site farm tours and guest specialists.  (6 lab)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Farm equipment inventory and maintenance
  • Transplanting and direct seeding
  • Managing weeds, pests and plant disease
  • Selecting, making and using compost and biodynamic preparations


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Compare functions of farming implements.

Apply maintenance practices for farm equipment.

Sow small- and large-seeded crops using hand methods and push seeders.

Transplant from a cell tray and flat format.

Demonstrate watering/irrigation techniques for newly transplanted seedlings.

Demonstrate seed bed irrigation for optimal germination.

Identify common weed species in central Wyoming.

Evaluate different tools and equipment used to manage weeds in the field and garden.

Describe benefits and requirements of using compost and biodynamic preparations.

Identify pests and pathogens that can affect crop production in Wyoming.

Describe management strategies for specific pests and ways to mitigate the impact of pests and disease on crops.