AECL 1972 Crop Production Practicum III

The student will develop hands-on skills for diverse fruit and vegetable crop production with an emphasis on soil health, organic and conservation principles. Late-season growing methods and techniques suitable for both field and garden scale production will be covered. The format consists of online learning modules with course content, quizzes, activities and in-person field based classes four days a week. Field days will include off site farm tours and guest specialists. (6 lab)


3 credits

Major Topics

Cover cropping and nutrient management

Produce marketing

Harvesting techniques

Food safety and post-harvest handling

Risk Management

Whole Farm Planning


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Interpret soil test results.

Evaluate nutrient requirements based on soil tests.

Explain how cover crops influence the physical and chemical properties of soils.

Explain how cover crops influence the productivity crops.

Identify the most beneficial cover crops to use in central Wyoming.

Describe three of the most common alternative marketing choices for farmers, and the advantages and disadvantages to the farmer of each choice.

Identify key decision making points and tips for assessing which market channel is right for your farming operation.

Explain harvesting techniques for each type of crop grown in the education plots.

Practice post-harvesting handling in the wash station, processing area and walk-in refrigeration unit.

Evaluate on-site food safety plan.

Apply on-site food safety practices in the preparation of crops for market.

Evaluate individual risks related to small scale farm businesses.

Describe the whole farm planning process in relation to profitability and sustainability.

Identify the four phases of whole farm planning from goal setting to monitoring.