2020-21 Course Catalog

Refund of Fees

If you withdraw from one or more regularly scheduled credit courses prior to the fifteenth calendar day of the term, you will receive a 100% refund of your tuition. There is no refund of tuition for courses dropped after the fifteenth day. (The official date of withdrawal or course drop is determined by the date the drop/add form is received by the Office of Student Records.) Refunds for flex courses not meeting a full session are prorated.

The return of fees policy carries the following exceptions:

Students dismissed from Marion Technical College or withdrawing at the insistence of the college are not entitled to any refund of fees.

If fees are paid under mistake of law or paid for courses canceled by the college, they are returnable in full.

Laboratory fees for a dropped course will be refunded in full from the time fees are paid through the 15th day.

The following fees are non-refundable:

Application Fee

Career Services Fee

Credit-by-Examination Fee

Deferred Payment Fee

Late Payment Fee

Life Experience Evaluation Fee

Parking Fee

Insurance Fees

Refunds to students on financial aid are repaid to the source from which they came and not to the student. Students receiving federal financial aid may have to repay a portion of this upon withdrawing from the college or if they stop attending classes before 60% of the enrollment period is complete (see Financial Aid Refund section). Federal regulations require that the college keep attendance records and recalculate financial aid based on the last day that a student attended.