EQST 1695 English Equitation II

A continuation of EQST 1690 with emphasis on correct horsemanship skills and safety. A continuation of basic English equitation with emphasis on refinement of basic dressage and jumping skills. The student must supply a horse for this class. Prerequisite: Completion of EQST-1690. (2 lect. 2 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Schooling figures improving basic dressage movements
  • Stabilization of the horse, acceptance of contact
  • Gymnastic jumping (poles, striding, grids)
  • Riding curved lines, introduction to angling fences
  • Building a jumping course
  • Walking a jumping course (striding, lines, distances)
  • Riding a jumping course
  • Longing (horse and rider)


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Develop understanding and skills in the proper control and performance of the English mount.

2. Establish knowledge and proficiency in the art of riding the balanced seat in the English saddle.

3. Understand principles of correctly schooling a horse for all disciplines.

4. Safely and correctly build gymnastic as well as schooling jump courses to continue English riding in personal time.