ENGL 2186 Mythology and Folklore

This course emphasizes the diversity of individuals and cultures through the study of a variety of mythos and demonstrates how their respective myths and folktales affect the social, political, and religious backgrounds of their people. Additionally, students learn how myth is played out in a modern setting allowing them to see and help understand differences with their community peers. Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL 1010. (3 lect.) HUM


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW

Major Topics

  • Myths
  • Folktales
  • Religion
  • Human Interaction


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Compare and contrast various myths consequently exploring various cultures of the world and how they affect one another

2. Critically read, recall and discuss the stories as assigned

3. Analyze the social, economic and religious conditions of the people who created the myths and folktales covered in class; use that analysis to create a hypothesis explaining how those people relate to their own myths and find a modern relevance

4. Analyze folktales and formulate its psychological and symbolic implications regarding race, class, gender, religion and age

5. Analyze the archetype hero stages in a myth or folktale

6. Produce at least one college-level paper in MLA style that reflects understanding of the course material