In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
Construct professional processes in the work environment.
Critique listening competencies, such as listening with literal and critical comprehension to ideas, perspective, and emotions in messages. (refer to General Education crosswalk)
Create speaking competencies, such as choice and use of topic, supporting materials, organizational pattern, language, and delivery. (refer to General Education crosswalk)
Produce skills in practice of fine arts such as visual, performing or literary art. (refer to General Education crosswalk)
Make aesthetic and intellectual judgments concerning the art. (refer to General Education crosswalk)
Develop an appreciation for the art’s contribution to culture. (refer to General Education crosswalk)
Use the computer as a useful tool to solve practical problems. (refer to General Education crosswalk)
Use the proper procedures to create documents for course work, professional purposes and personal use. (refer to General Education crosswalk)
Develop proper infection control procedures.
Create solutions for problems presented on the clinical floor.
Plan activities to show proper time management practices.