Academic Policies


The calendar of the academic year specifies the days when registration occurs. It is important that students register on these days. Students are required to meet with Academic advisors. Orientation/registration is held during the summer and all new students are required to participate in these events. Enrolled students register online via WINS accounts.

Credit Hour

Students will earn credit hours for each course completed. Academic departments determine credit hours for each course offered. The credit hour is based on the Carnegie Unit. Each credit hour is the equivalent of approximately 16 50-minute lectures plus preparation time.

Committee on Admissions and Credits

Problems concerning admission to WLU, transfer of credits from another institution, quality point averages, and all matters of like nature are acted upon by the Committee on Admissions and Credits of which the Registrar is chairperson.

Pass/Fail and Credit/No Credit Courses

Students have the option of taking certain courses on a Pass/Fail grading option. In such cases, the grade of “K” is awarded as the passing grade and the grade of “F” is given as the failing grade. The Pass/Fail option is available only in a limited number of courses as designated by the Graduate Council.

A few courses are given on a Credit/No Credit basis. In such cases, the grade of “K” is given if the course is successfully completed and a grade of “N” is given if the course is not successfully completed. The Credit/No Credit option is also available only in a limited number of courses as designated by the Curriculum Committee.