Biology: 2+2 Human Biology Major/Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (B.S.)

This major was designed for high-performing students planning on entering the WLU MSPAS program. The major is intensive and rigorous while reducing the length of study by one year.

Admission Process

  1. Interview and application at end of freshman year of undergraduate study for the 3+2 major
    1. Application due on April 15 (end of first year of study)
    2. Must have 3.5GPA overall and in science at time of application and meet curricular requirements outlined on advising sheet
    3. The interview will create a pool of eligible applicants to continue within the major option. The interview will be done by Biology faculty with a PA faculty representative prior to the end of the spring semester, first year of undergraduate study
    4. Students will be notified of decision after final grades are posted for the first year of undergraduate study
  2. During the second semester of sophomore year eligible applicants will request a letter of recommendation from the Biology Faculty Committee which will be utilized in the interview process at the end of sophomore year with the PA faculty to determine the 2 students to be provisionally accepted into the PA program through the major.
    1. A maximum of 2 students per year will be accepted into the junior year of the 3+2 major (provisional acceptance into the PA program)
    2. Acceptance into the third year of the 3+2 major does NOT guarantee admission to the WLU MSPAS as other requirements must still be met
    3. CASPA application by the provisionally accepted students will be required Summer prior to third year of undergraduate study
    4. After the third year of undergraduate study, the provisionally accepted students will be reviewed for successful completion of remaining prerequisites
    5. Those students not accepted provisionally may complete the full Human Biology major and apply traditionally to the WLU MSPAS program following the normal timeframe; not gaining early acceptance status does not imply the student will not be admitted on a normal timeframe to the MSPAS program
    6. If a provisionally accepted student fails to successfully complete the remaining prerequisites for early entrance to the WLU MSPAS program, they may complete the full Human Biology major and apply on the traditional timeframe; failure to complete prerequisites in the early acceptance major option does not imply the student will not be admitted on the normal timeframe

Students who ultimately apply following the normal timeframe for admission must meet all requirements as designated by the WLU MSPAS program; completion of the full Human Biology major at WLU does not guarantee admission to the WLU MSPAS program.


Required Courses

BIO 124Biological Principles


BIO 125Biological Principles Lab


BIO 208Found. Cell & Molecular Bio


BIO 202Bio of Animals (zoology)


BIO 203Bio Of Animals Lab


BIO 210Essentials Of Biomed Term


BIO 221Biol Statistics & Exper Design


BIO 317


BIO 302Human Anatomy & Phys I


BIO 303Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab


BIO 325General Microbiology


BIO 326Gen Microbio Lab


BIO 328Human Anat & Physiology II


BIO 334Human Anat & Physio II Lab


BIO 401Genetics


BIO 460Molecular Biology


BIO 461Molecular Bio Lab


BIO 479Research/Internship


BIO 480Biology Capstone Course


CHEM 110General Chemistry I


CHEM 111General Chemistry I Lab


CHEM 112General Chemistry II


CHEM 113General Chem II Lab


CHEM 340Organic Chemistry I


CHEM 341Organic Chemistry I Lab


MATH 145Pre-Calculus


PHYS 101Elem Physics I


PHYS 102Elem Physics II


PHYS 110Elem Physics Lab I


PHYS 111Elem Physics Lab II


PSYC 252Life Span Development


  • 120 credit hours are required to graduate from West Liberty with a B.S.; 40 of those hours must be 300-400 level courses.
  • The Human Biology/MSPAS 3+2 major requires a cumulative 3.5 gpa in all math, psychology, and science courses with at least a “C” in each course within the program.
  • All courses listed must be completed in the first three years of study.
    • BIO 124/125 and BIO 202/203 (or two semesters of approved biology courses) must be completed in the first year of undergraduate study; minimum grade of B.
    • CHEM110/111 and CHEM 112/113 (or two semesters of approved chemistry courses) must be completed in the first year of undergraduate study; minimum grade of B.
    • MATH 145 or its equivalent must be completed by the end of the first year of study; minimum grade of B.
    • BIO 479 must be completed in 1 credit hour increments as delineated below.
  • Twenty-five hours of community service must be completed prior to the end of the third year of undergraduate study.
  • Students will receive 13 credit hours of undergraduate biology-specific courses waived in lieu of MSPAS coursework successfully completed in the first two terms of the graduate degree program.
  • Award of BS Biology will occur after successful completion of first two terms of graduate degree program.

**BIO 479 Internship/Shadowing must be completed as three 1 credit hour blocks applied to fall second year, spring second year, and fall third year. Shadowing should be at least 50% Physician Assistant and must include at least 3 health professionals in different fields including PA. Shadowing is not provided by nor arranged by the WLU MSPAS program.