Comprehensive Exams and Other Degree Exit Options

Students must be enrolled in the semester in which they complete their exit option. The comprehensive exam may not be scheduled prior to the student’s final semester of coursework or the student’s completion of required core courses. The purpose of the comprehensive exam is to evaluate the student’s mastery of the field(s) of study. The method and procedure for examination must be specified on the student’s program of study. The academic department prepares, administers and grades the comprehensive exam. The Graduate College notifies students when they have been cleared to take the exam and informs exam takers of the results.

Results of the comprehensive exam will be one of the following:

  • PASS with recommendation that candidate be cleared to receive the degree
  • FAIL stipulating conditions that must be met before the candidate is eligible to take the exam a second time.

Colleges/programs will determine the policy regarding repeating the comprehensive exam or exit options in the event of a failing grade. A review period of not less than 90 days or more than 1 year after the student is notified of the results of the first exam is required before a second exam may be completed. Conditions for a second exam may be imposed by the faculty advisor or department chair.

After retaking the exam and earning a second grade of FAIL, the program may make a recommendation that the candidate be dismissed from the program.