College Of Education And P-16 Integration

The College of Education and P-16 Integration’s mission is to

  • provide rigorous programs of study founded on the belief that scholarship and life experience are strengthened when integrated, that diversity in all its manifestations is a fundamental component of excellence in education, and that partnerships that foster authentic social and community engagement is vital;
  • engage in continuous improvement through curricular and technological innovation in order to remain responsive to the changing educational and global reality;
  • develop highly qualified, multi-culturally responsive and sustaining, innovative scholars, learning leaders, and education professionals who challenge the status quo and serve as change agents who make a difference by promoting social justice, embracing diversity in its broadest definition, inspiring thought leadership, and pursuing lifelong learning; and
  • lead through evidence-based decision making and data literacy in order to share our story with the academic and broader research communities, as well as our public school partners, families, and policy makers.