Undergraduate Catalog

Disciplinary Process

Allegations of violations of the Academic Code of Conduct may be initiated by mentors, staff, or students enrolled at Thomas Edison State University. Specific allegations of a violation of the Academic Code of Conduct must be submitted in writing to the appropriate dean’s office. In cases of violations that result from inappropriate behavior in courses, the appropriate dean is the dean of the School that offers the course. In all other cases, the appropriate dean is the dean of the School in which the student is enrolled. The dean will review the matter and the student will be notified in writing of the specifics of the charge and the sanction to be imposed. If the student disputes the charge or disagrees with the sanction, the student must submit a written request to the dean for a hearing within 10 days of receipt of the notice or be deemed to have accepted the sanction.

Possible sanctions include:

  • Lower or failing grade for an assignment
  • Lower or failing grade for the course
  • Rescinding credits
  • Rescinding certificates or degrees
  • Recording academic sanctions on the transcript
  • Suspension from the University
  • Dismissal from the University

The University reserves the right to review all credits, degrees, and certificates. If any academic misconduct is revealed, those credits, degrees, and certificates also may be rescinded. Records of all Academic Code of Conduct violations will be maintained in the student’s file.

In extreme or emergency circumstances, any officer of the University at the vice president or higher level may immediately suspend a student from access to University premises, activities, or electronic sites pending disciplinary action. Such action will be reported to the provost and senior vice president.

A student who is found to have violated the Academic Code of Conduct is permanently ineligible to receive any academic award or honor. This ineligibility extends to any student who receives a grade of ZF for a course.