Program Requirements

The Music (B.A.) curriculum offers a basic education in music with two options for concentration: Commercial Music, or Composition. In addition, this degree offers the opportunity to minor in a non-music area. The Music Education major leads to Pennsylvania certification to teach all areas of music in public schools. The Music Performance major gives students the opportunity to focus on performance skills. The Music (Business) major combines music training with a basic training in business, and prepares students to work in an arts non-profit organization. Music (Music and Worship) prepares students to lead worship ministry through music in a local church.

Music Application and Audition. An audition is required of all students who wish to major in music. After acceptance into the College as an entering student, a prospective music major should schedule a music audition through the Music Office. Specific audition requirements vary based on intended degree, concentration and major performing area. Please visit for a complete detailed listing of audition requirements. From the Department of Music homepage, choose “Prospective Students.”

Concert Attendance and Performance Expectations. Each semester in residence, all music majors, with the exception of Music (Business) and Music (Music and Worship), are required to register for MUSI 001 Concert Attendance. This is a period devoted to solo and small group performance. At the beginning of each semester, students will be given a schedule of Wednesday meetings of Concert Attendance (generally 6 per semester) which students are required to attend, and at which, attendance will be taken. Additionally, students will be required to choose and attend any 8 departmentally approved performances (in which they are not a performer) each semester. All music majors, except those in the Music (Business) and Music (Music and Worship) degrees, will also perform a jury in their applied performance area at the end of each semester in which they are registered for applied lessons.

Keyboard Proficiency Policy. All music majors, except those in the Music (Business) and Music (Music and Worship) degrees, will register for Keyboard I in order to prepare for the Piano Proficiency Exam. Students who successfully pass the Piano Proficiency Exam at the end of the Fall semester will fulfill the other keyboard credit with any music course. Students who do not pass (or attempt) the Piano Proficiency exam in the fall will register for Keyboard II in the Spring semester. Students who do not pass the Piano Proficiency Exam at the end of the Spring Semester, will register for MUAP Piano lessons until the exam is passed at the end of their Sophomore year or second year as a music major. Students are allowed three attempts to pass the Piano Proficiency Exam.

Music Ensemble Requirements. All Music Majors (B.A./B.S./B.M) are required to earn a specific number of credits in music ensembles (MUEN) to fulfill graduation requirements, based on degree type and concentration.

Major MUEN cr req’d Special Notes
Music (B.A) Composition 6 The distribution of the 6 credits is listed below
Music (B.A.) Commercial & no concentration 6 Distribution by applied performance area (listed below)
Music (Business) (B.A.) .5 Any MUEN
Music Education (B.S.) 6 Distribution by applied performance area
Music (Music & Worship) 3 The three credits MUST be MUEN 156
Music Performance (B.M.) 8 Distribution of 6 credits is the same as the Music (B.A.) major, with additional 2 credits in any MUEN

Additionally, most majors require a particular distribution of MUEN participation based on major, concentration and applied performance area.

Music BA Composition Majors:

MUEN XXX Primary Performing Ensemble (based on applied performance area)* 6 semesters

MUEN XXX Any Vocal or Instrumental Ensemble* 6 semesters

*requirement fulfilled in consultation with composition professor and major advisor

Music BA (Commercial Concentration and students without a concentration) and the BS in Music Education:

distribution dependent on applied performance area

Keyboard applied performance area:

MUEN 125Accompanying

0 - .5

MUEN 146Piano Four Hands

0 - .5

Any Instrumental Ensemble

Any Vocal Ensemble

Any Chamber Music Ensemble

MUEN 125, Vocal Ensemble: 3 semesters

MUEN 146, Instrumental Ensemble, Chamber Music Ensemble: 2 semesters

Vocal Ensemble: requirement fulfilled by: Concert Choir, Choral Arts Society, Men’s Ensemble or Women’s Ensemble

Voice applied performance area:

MUEN 111Concert Choir

0 - .5

MUEN 116Chamber Singers

0 - .5

Any Instrumental Ensemble

Any Music Department Ensemble

MUEN 111 (8 semesters): if not accepted into Concert Choir, requirement fulfilled by; Men’s Ensemble, Women’s Ensemble, Jazz Singers or an extra semester of Choral Arts Society.

MUEN 116, Music Department Ensemble: 1 semester

Instrumental Ensemble: 2 semesters

Orchestral String applied performance area:

MUEN 121Symphony Orchestra

0 - .5

Any Vocal Ensemble

Any Chamber Music Ensemble

MUEN 121: 8 semesters

Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Music Ensemble: 2 semesters

Vocal Ensemble: requirement fulfilled by: Concert Choir, Choral Arts Society, Men’s Ensemble or Women’s Ensemble

Wind/Brass/Percussion applied performance area:

MUEN 122Symphonic Winds

0 - .5


MUEN 135Wind Ensemble

0 - .5


Any Vocal Ensemble

Any Chamber Music Ensemble

MUEN 122, MUEN 135: 8 semesters

Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Music Ensemble: 2 semesters

Vocal Ensemble: requirement fulfilled by: Concert Choir, Choral Arts Society, Men’s Ensemble or Women’s Ensemble

Guitar applied performance area:

MUEN 130Guitar Ensemble

0 - .5

Any Vocal Ensemble

Any Music Department Ensemble

MUEN 130: 8 semesters

Vocal Ensemble, Department Ensembles: 2 semesters

Vocal Ensemble: requirement fulfilled by: Concert Choir, Choral Arts Society, Men’s Ensemble or Women’s Ensemble

Every member of an ensemble must register for the appropriate MUEN course number, but students may register for either .5 credit or for 0 credit in a given semester, to allow for the greatest flexibility in course selection. Students are advised to ensure that they have completed the total number of required MUEN credits in addition to any relevant required distribution of MUEN courses.