Grade Dispute Procedures

If a student disputes a final grade given in a particular course and it is determined that the grade recorded was not in error, the student may initiate the grade dispute process. The initiation of a grade dispute must occur within 7 days from the date in which the final grade is due to the Registrar’s Office for that part-of-term.

Informal Discussion Between Student and Instructor

If the discussion results in a grade change, a grade change request is submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the instructor. If the matter is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student is referred to the Program Coordinator/Director.

Formal Discussion Between Student, Instructor, and Program Coordinator/Director

Within 7 calendar days of the informal discussion, the student sends a written appeal to the Program Coordinator/Director to request a formal discussion. The Program Coordinator/Director should arrange a meeting to discuss the matter with the student and instructor together within 7 calendar days. If this discussion results in a grade change, a grade change request is submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the instructor. The student should be informed in writing of the decision by the Program Coordinator/Director. If the matter is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student sends a written appeal to the Assistant Provost for the School of Graduate Studies.

Student Appeal in Writing to the Assistant Provost for the School of Graduate Studies

If the decision of the Program Coordinator/Director is not to the student’s satisfaction, the student may appeal the decision in writing to the Assistant Provost for the School of Graduate Studies within 7 calendar days of the formal discussion. The Assistant Provost shall investigate carefully and render a decision in writing within 21 calendar days, which shall be final.

Cases Involving the Program Coordinator/Director

In any case where the instructor is the Program Coordinator/Director, another member of the department will serve in the role of the Program Coordinator/Director in these proceedings.

Time line

A final decision must be rendered no later than 49 days after the date which the student initiates the dispute with the faculty member who assigned the grade.

Student Enrollment

Students who are in good academic standing prior to receiving the disputed grade may continue their enrollment while the grade dispute is in process.

If the disputed grade is an F or the third C (C or C+) earned in a course, the student may continue enrollment only in cases where additional courses are already in progress. Once a final decision is rendered by the Assistant Provost over the disputed grade, the student’s academic standing is evaluated by the registrar’s office at the next occurrence of academic standing assessment.