Assessment of Student Learning

Mercy College assesses student learning outcomes through a variety of methods that are linked to coursework and aligned with course assignments that include testing, journals, reflections, written work, oral presentations, and participation in co-curricular activities. Rubrics are used as a tool for assessment of the assigned work. The data gained from the assessment rubrics provides information regarding the achievement of the learning outcomes.

Assessment of student learning is completed at the following levels: course, programmatic, and institutional. Assessment of student learning provides quantitative and qualitative data for measurement of student achievement. The assessment process produces information that supports data-driven decisions for overall curricular improvement.

Assessment activities are conducted from the time a student enters the College until the time they complete, graduate, transfer, or are otherwise not retained, such as post-graduation surveys. The process flow of assessment is as follows: Identification of Learning Outcomes, Assessment of Learning Outcomes, Data Collection and Analysis, Recommendations, and Implementation of Continual Curricular/Co-curricular Improvements. Overall assessment is part of the institutional effectiveness at the College.