Voluntary Leaves of Absence

The College supports the overall success of students, including their physical, social, and emotional well-being. When situations arise that hinder students’ abilities to perform academically and/or socially within the campus community, they can request a voluntary leave of absence.

A voluntary leave of absence is intended to increase the opportunity for students to achieve academic success. A voluntary leave of absence may be for employment, medical, or personal reasons, such as serious illness or death in the family or financial difficulties.

A student requesting a voluntary leave of absence is strongly encouraged to investigate the financial implications of taking such a leave by contacting the Office of Financial Aid (financialaid@mercycollege.edu or 419-251-1219 and the Bursar (bursar@mercycollege.edu or 419-251-1726. Students should also review the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for leave of absence implications. Mercy College students enrolled in dual degree programs with another institution are also required to follow the applicable procedures for leaves of absences for that institution.

Military leaves of absence are addressed in the previous section and pregnancy leaves of absence are addressed in the Pregnant Student Policy.


  • Students are in good academic standing at the time of the voluntary leave of absence request.
  • Students anticipate an absence of up to three consecutive semesters (may include summer) because the student plans to:
  • withdraw from all courses in their current semester and not register for the following semester


  • not register for courses in the following semester (or two) after being enrolled in the current semester

Withdrawing from all courses according to the Add/Drop/Withdraw process does not replace securing a voluntary leave of absence as outlined in this procedure.

The following conditions and steps apply for students requesting a Voluntary Leave of Absence prior to the date the leave is to begin:

  • Students must consult with their Academic Advisor, Program Director, and the Director of Career, Professional Development & Retention to develop an Academic Success Plan.
  • Students will submit the Academic Success Plan and a Voluntary Leave of Absence form to the appropriate Dean for consideration. The student may also include documentation supporting their request.
  • Upon review and approval, the Dean will forward both documents and any supporting materials to the Office of Student Records.
  • Students approved for a Voluntary Leave of Absence must satisfy all conditions of the leave as outlined on the Academic Success Plan and Voluntary Leave of Absence form before re-enrolling at the College and must comply with the course sequence and/or any curricular changes at the time. If Voluntary Leave of Absence is three semesters or more, students must notify the College one semester before returning so that orientation can be scheduled and completed.

Additional information regarding voluntary leave of absence:

  • A Voluntary Leave of Absence request may be considered under extenuating circumstances when the request is supported by appropriate documentation demonstrating events out of students’ control that prohibited an advance request.
  • A copy of the Voluntary Leave of Absence form will be provided to the following offices/departments: Admissions, Student Records, Bursar, Financial Aid, Academic Advisor, Academic Dean, Program Director, and Faculty (for currently enrolled students).
  • If the request for leave is not approved, and students do not subsequently attend courses for three consecutive semesters, or students do not return from an approved leave of absence, students will be considered readmission applicants.
  • An extension of the leave may be granted by the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty.
  • For students enrolled in health programs, seats may be limited. Although students are not guaranteed a seat upon their return from a Voluntary Leave of Absence, every effort will be made to provide a program seat based on space availability.