2024-25 Course Catalog

Associate of Applied Science Degree

CIP Code



The Smart Manufacturing Technology degree will equip graduates with key skills in both instrumentation and controls engineering and information technology. Students will learn to install, operate, troubleshoot, and maintain automated systems. These systems will make use of networks of advanced sensors, controllers, robotics integrated with iR vision, data analytics, and information and communication technologies to improve manufacturing productivity and security. After completing the program, students will be able to build careers in areas such as electrical and electronics engineering and instrumentation and controls engineering.

The program is structured as an 'Earn and Learn' program as follows:

  • During the first year of the program, students will complete a set of technical courses as well as a career readiness course to prepare them for their work placement which takes place during the second year of the program
  • Students will complete a set of gen-ed courses during the summer after their first year
  • Students will work/receive on -the job training at a manufacturing/engineering facility 3 days a week (paid placement) and complete course work two days a week during the second year of the program

Learning Outcomes:

  • Analyze direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) electric circuits.
  • Troubleshoot direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) electric circuits.
  • Select the appropriate electrical instrument such as the digital multimeter, oscilloscope and/or function generator for testing purposes.
  • Use various electrical instruments such as the digital multimeter, oscilloscope and/or function generator for testing purposes.
  • Operate process control systems (incorporating sensors and controllers) such as level, flow, pressure, and temperature.
  • Maintain process control systems (incorporating sensors and controllers) such as level, flow, pressure, and temperature.
  • Troubleshoot process control systems (incorporating sensors and controllers) such as level, flow, pressure, and temperature.
  • Setup programs on a FANUC robot with a HandlingTool application software package.
  • Record programs on a FANUC robot with a HandlingTool application software package.
  • Troubleshoot programs on a FANUC robot with a HandlingTool application software package.
  • Identify the components of a fully-integrated robotic visual detection system.
  • Install the hardware making up a fully-integrated robotic visual detection system.
  • Program the robot to respond to vision results.
  • Troubleshoot a fully-integrated robotic visual detection system.
  • Select components such as chain and belt drives, gears, bearings, couplings, brakes, and/or clutches for mechanical drive systems.
  • Recommend administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect against cyberattacks in a manufacturing environment.
  • Program using Python in order to apply this language to engineering and cybersecurity applications.
  • Work both independently and as an integral part of a technical team.
  • Communicate effectively with faculty, classmates and industry representatives.
  • Demonstrate adherence to safety when working in a manufacturing environment.

Occupational Certification

  • OSHA - 10
  • FANUC Handling Tool Operations and Programming
  • FANUC iRVision Operation and Programming - 2D

Application Requirements

  • MTC Application for Admission and nonrefundable applicable fee.
  • Final high school transcript (or GED results) and college transcripts (if applicable).

Career Opportunities

  • Instrumentation and/or Process Control Technician
  • Maintenance Technician
  • PLC Programmer/Technician
  • Robotics Technician


The Smart Manufacturing Technology degree will equip graduates with key skills in both instrumentation and controls engineering and information technology. Students will learn to install, operate, troubleshoot, and maintain automated systems. These systems will make use of networks of advanced sensors, controllers, robotics integrated with iR vision, data analytics, and information and communication technologies to improve manufacturing productivity and security. After completing the program, students will be able to build careers in areas such as electrical and electronics engineering and instrumentation and controls engineering.

The program is structured as an 'Earn and Learn' program as follows:

  • During the first year of the program, students will complete a set of technical courses as well as a career readiness course to prepare them for their work placement which takes place during the second year of the program
  • Students will complete a set of gen-ed courses during the summer after their first year
  • Students will work/receive on -the job training at a manufacturing/engineering facility 3 days a week (paid placement) and complete course work two days a week during the second year of the program

First Semester

GET1000Intro to Engineering


EET1000Introduction to Electricity


EET2010Intro to Programmable Controllers


TMT1110Applied Technical Math


OIS1240Computer Applications


FYE1000Academic and Career Success


ENG1000English Composition I


Second Semester

EET1500Circuit Analysis I


SMT1200Instrumentation and Control


EET2060Advanced Programmable Controllers


MET1500Mechanical Drives


EXP2800Career Readiness


CIT1100Intro to Programming Concepts w/Python


Third Semester

COM1400Oral Communication


SOC2020Ethnic and Cultural Diversity





PSY1100Introduction to Psychology


Can select SOC 1200 or PSY 1100

Fourth Semester

EET1550Circuit Analysis II


SMT1100Cyber Security/Networking Manufacturing


EET1301Robot Handling Tool Operations and Progr


MTH1245College Algebra


EXP2810Earn and Learn I


Fifth Semester

PHY1110Applied Physics


GET2300Engineering Statistics


SMT2000iRVision Operation and Programming-2D


EET2510Automated Process Control


EXP2910Earn and Learn II