TRIO-Student Support Services

Supporting your learning and success!

TRIO-Student Support Services (SSS) is an honorary program for students who are dedicated to their success as a student and offers multiple support services:

  • Academic advising, including registration, assistance in financial aid and scholarship process and support.
  • Personal success coaching, advocacy, time management, and goal setting.
  • Special opportunities such as tutoring, transfer options, equipment lending program, skills development, and additional funds for qualifying students.

You may be eligible for SSS if you are a US Citizen and at least one of these fits you:

  • You are a student who has not already earned an associate degree or higher.
  • You are a first generation college student (neither parent had bachelor’s degree before you turned 18 years of age).
  • You meet federal low income guidelines.
  • You are receiving accommodations from our Disabilities Office. 

SSS offices are located in the Student Success Center: Main Hall 123 and are open Monday – Friday from 8 am until 5 pm. Applications are available in MH 123, at Rustler Central, and on the CWC website: TRIO Application Form

Computer Assisted Learning Lab (CAL Lab)

Tutor Services and the CAL Lab, located in MH123 and MH133, are available for CWC students from 8 am – 7 pm Monday through Thursday and from 8 am – 5 p.m. on Friday. Tutor Services and CAL lab hours are limited during the summer semester.