Student Senate

The Student Senate consists of up to 12 students who act as representatives for the entire student body. The Senate helps plan activities, manage the spending of student activity fee revenues, serves as an advocate for student interests and concerns, and appoints students to positions on college governance committees. It is a powerful and effective organization. All interested students are encouraged to run for Senate positions. If you would like to run for Senate, simply contact Scott McFarland ( or Rachel Hofer ( to fill out an application.

You are eligible to run for Student Senate if you are enrolled in at least 12 credits and have a minimum 3.0 grade point average. To vote in Senate elections you must be enrolled in at least a one credit course. Four senate officers for the academic year, as well as up to 8 senators.  The Student Senate exists to serve your needs. Get acquainted with your representatives, share your ideas, attend Senate meetings, or contact one of the Senators to let them know what is important to you. If you do not know a Senator, contact Scott McFarland or Rachel Hofer or send the Student Senate an e-mail at