Student Rights and Responsibilities

Unlike elementary and secondary education, students in post-secondary education are responsible for requesting accommodations. Students with disabilities also have the following rights and responsibilities:

  • CWC has Policies and Procedures for requesting services related to disabilities. Students are responsible to know and follow these procedures.

  • Students initiate all requests for services and/or accommodations at the Disability Services Office.
  • Submission of documentation is not a request for services.

  • Students need to meet with the Disability Services Coordinator for an intake appointment and discussion about their disabilities and the accommodations they are requesting.
  • An Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, or General Education Initiative may provide enough information for the documentation of disability and provision of needed accommodations. If these documents do not provide enough information to receive services further documentation may be needed.
  • Students need to give advance notice of needed accommodation(s) 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester.
  • Disability-related records will be used to determine appropriate services and will be maintained in the Disability Services Office, separate from academic records.
  • All students have the right to equal access to all programs, services and activities at Central Wyoming College.
  • Central Wyoming College and the Disability Services Coordinator have the following rights and responsibilities:
  • CWC reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of submitted documentation and requests for reasonable accommodations on a case-by-case basis utilizing the professional judgment of the Disability Services Coordinator.
  • Additional information may be requested to determine eligibility for services.
  • Relevant information regarding the student’s disability may be shared with those who have a legitimate educational interest.
  • All disability-related records will be destroyed five years from date of initial contact with Disability Services Coordinator, unless the student remains actively enrolled at CWC or otherwise notifies the Disability Services Coordinator in writing.