MATH 2800 Math Major Seminar

This course introduces mathematics majors to mathematical investigation, proof, and problem-solving techniques. Emphasis is placed on oral and written communication skills in mathematics. Offered S/U only. (2 lect.)


2 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Introduction to Mathematical Proofs
  • Mathematical Thinking, Investigation and Discovery
  • Life, Legacies and Culture of Mathematicians


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Justify conclusions to mathematical proofs.

2. Apply appropriate tools to analyze nontrivial problems.

3. Translate concepts between the language of spoken or written word and the language of mathematics.

4. Develop conjunctures by recognizing and analyzing mathematical patterns.

5. Create a presentation using mathematical technology and software.

Other Information

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Check with the mathematics department for the current text.