AGEC 4050 Agribusiness Marketing

This course is designed to provide the opportunity for the student to evaluate decision-making activities as they pertain to competitive marketing environments, functionality, and behavioral trends specific to agriculture. The student will assess trade, policies, barriers, and agreements that impact agricultural trade, and will develop a marketing project for presentation. Prerequisite: Completion of AGEC 3100. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW

Major Topics

  • Market analysis and research

  • Development of a marketing plan

  • Development of a marketing presentation

  • Apply marketing concepts to launch a new agricultural product


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Critique different competitive environments in which various market participants operate.

2. Investigate marketing activities and services that take place as agricultural commodities go from the farm gate to the plate.

3. Analyze how price is determined and how farm, wholesale, and retail prices are related.

4. Evaluate trends and the behavior of consumers, marketers, and the food service market.

5. Critique case study on agricultural trade, policies, trade barriers, and international organizations and agreements.

6. Assess the importance of commodity varieties and qualities as well as place and time aspects of marketing.

7. Develop a marketing presentation.