TRIO-Student Support Services

Supporting your learning and success!

TRIO-Student Support Services (SSS) is an honorary program for students who are dedicated to their success as a student and offers multiple support services:

  • Academic advising, including registration, assistance in financial aid and scholarship process and support.
  • Personal counseling, success coaching, advocacy, time management and goal setting.
  • Special opportunities such as tutoring, transfer options, mentoring, equipment lending program, skills development and additional funds for qualifying students.

You may be eligible for SSS if you are citizen or permanent resident of the United States and at least one of these fits you:

  • You are a student who has not already earned a college degree.
  • You are a first generation college student (neither parent had bachelor’s degree before you turned 18 years of age).
  • You meet federal low income guidelines.
  • You have a documented physical or learning disability.

SSS offices are located in the Student Success Center: Main Hall 123 and are open Monday – Friday from 8 am until 5 pm. Applications are available in MH 123, at Rustler Central, outreach offices, and CWC website:

Computer Assisted Learning Lab (CAL Lab)

The CAL Lab, located in MH133, is an open lab available for CWC student use from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Tutoring/mentoring assistance is available. The lab also has extended hours during fall and spring semesters only from 5 – 7pm, Monday – Thursday!