NURS 1110 Pharmacology in Health Promotion

This course guides the learner in applying the concepts of health promotion, safety, clinical judgement, leadership, patient-centeredness, and professionalism in the exploration of the basic pharmacological principles that include the mechanism of action, therapeutic responses adverse effects, and potential interactions of selected classes of drugs. The nursing process provides the framework for the study of therapeutic administration of common health-promoting and preventative medications, with emphasis of health care provider responsibilities, interprofessional teamwork, development of safe medication administration practices, and patient education for promotions of self-care. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the nursing program; completion of or concurrent enrollment in ZOO 2025 and NURS 1100. (1 lect.)


1 credit

Major Topics

  • Pharmacology Principles 

  • Lifespan Considerations 

  • OTC Drugs, Herbal and Dietary Supplements

  • Vitamins and Minerals

  • Acid Controlling Drugs

  • Bowel Disorder Drugs

  • NSAIDs and Tylenol

  • Immunizing Drugs

  • Men's Health and Otic Drugs

  • Women’s Health Drugs

  • Ophthalmic and Dermatologic Drugs


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Describe the role of the nurse in supporting patient safety in medication administration.

2. Begin to use the nursing process and current evidence to guide decision-making in medication administration based on knowledge of the indications, action(s), interactions, and adverse effects of various classes of medications.

3. Describe the role of the nurse in collaborating with an interprofessional team to administer medications to patients.

4. Describe the impact of culture, ethnicity, values, genetics, and general health, on medication therapy.

5. Explain the legal and scope of practice associated with medication therapy.

6. Relate concepts of health promotion to medication administration for patients across the lifespan.