NURS 1100 Professional Nursing Care in Health Promotion

This course introduces the learner to the concepts of health promotion, safety, clinical judgment, leadership, patient-centeredness, and professionalism. Health promotion includes learning about self-health and health in children, adults, older adults, and the family experiencing a normal pregnancy. Learners will value evidence about healthy lifestyle patterns and risk factors for disease and illness, apply growth and development theory, develop therapeutic relationships, conduct an age-appropriate and culturally sensitive health assessment, and promote health using the nursing process and standards of professional nursing. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the nursing program: Completion of, or concurrent enrollment in ZOO 2025. (5 lect., 8 hours clinical per week)


8 credits

Major Topics

  • Assessment
  • Thermoregulation
  • Clinical Decision Making
  • Communication
  • Evidence Based Practice
  • Informatics
  • Safety: Medication Administration
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Collaboration
  • Healthcare Law
  • Ethics
  • Healthcare Quality
  • Caring
  • Culture
  • Spirituality
  • Family Dynamics
  • Mobility
  • Nutrition
  • Health Continuum
  • Self
  • Development
  • Immunity
  • Infection
  • Tissue Integrity
  • Comfort
  • Sensory Perception
  • Sexuality
  • Reproduction
  • Healthcare Systems


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Adhere to safety standards when providing nursing care.

2. Explain the role of the nurse in supporting patient safety.

3. Begin to use the steps of the nursing process to provide care and promote health.

4. Identify the role of evidence and appropriate sources in guiding decision-making.

5. Identify the leadership role of the nurse in the healthcare system.

6. Recognize the role of the nurse in healthcare delivery.

7. Identify the influence of patient needs, values, and choices when individualizing care.

8. Recognize effective communication techniques used in establishing therapeutic relationships.

9. Explore the nurse’s role in advocacy.

10. Identify the core values of professional nursing.

11. Identify the legal and ethical basis of nursing practice, including scope of practice.

12. Utilize concepts of health promotion to educate patients across the lifespan.