NAIS 4400 Tribal Leadership Practicum

This course incorporates reflective work in tribal leadership in a practical setting. The student will complete supervised practicum work in areas affecting American Indians, which may include politics, economics, education, law, or human services. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

Agency Operation, Organization, Funding, Mission, and Tribal Population Served Ethical Issues Cultural Issues Applied American Indian Studies Confidentiality Tribal Leadership Supervisory Roles


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Plan a supervised practicum at an approved agency/program.

2. Evaluate the mission; operations, service population, organization and funding of their field experience agency.

3. Critique ethical issues within the tribal agency/program.

4. Analyze cultural issues observed or experienced during the practicum.

5. Integrate academic concepts and tribal leadership skills in the field experience.

6. Evaluate whether this type of program might be a good fit for the student in terms of future employment and/or as a tribal leader.