NAIS 4100 Tribal Government
This course examines traditional systems of tribal governance: the establishment of contemporary tribal governments; stakeholders and their goals; factors influencing tribal government operations, including the federal trust relationship, plenary power, tribal-federal and tribal-state relations; powers of tribal governments; and the future of tribal governments. (3 lect.)
Major Topics
Traditional Societies and Culture Revitalization
Government Reform
Tribal Courts
Government to Government Relationship
Tribal Program Management
Nation Building
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Defend tribal sovereignty and self-governance.
2. Propose tribal program's role in tribal codes and policy development.
3. Combine traditional and western education in the context of rebuilding tribal well-being.
4. Differentiate the standard and nation building approach of tribal governance and leadership.
5. Construct a model of a healthy indigenous nation.
6. Integrate traditional ways of knowing as tools for leadership and governance.
7. Manage tribal resources for future generations through strategic planning.