EDFD 2100 Educational Psychology

Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts, principles, and research relevant to teaching and learning with emphasis on the school setting. Prerequisite: Completion of EDFD 2450 or Instructor Permission. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Cognitive and Language Development
  • Social Contexts and Socioemotional Development
  • Sociocultural Diversity
  • Exceptional Learners
  • Behavioral, Social, Information-Processing, Social Constructivist Approaches to Learning
  • Complex Cognitive Processes
  • Learning and Cognition
  • Learning Enhancements: Planning, Instruction, Technology, Motivation, Teaching, Classroom Management, Standardized Tests, and Classroom Assessment


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of human cognitive, social, physical, emotional and moral development and how these factors influence learning.

2. Use developmental theories to provide appropriate learning opportunities to influence all students’ learning.

3. Demonstrate an understanding that all students differ in their approaches to learning.

4. Explain the multiple theoretical models of understanding and addressing student diversity in a mutually respectful learning community.

5. Demonstrate knowledge about the connections between a student’s use of language and his/her success in learning.

6. Use and facilitate a variety of media communications tools and technology to enrich learning opportunities.

7. Examine multiple methods of formative and summative assessment for assessing all students’ development of critical thinking and problem solving skills and achievement of standards.

8. Demonstrate self-assessment, individual and collective inquiry and life-long learning traits to support personal growth and professional development.