EDEC 1200 Administration in Early Childhood Programs

This course examines the early childhood educator's role and responsibilities for starting and operating a preschool or child-care facility. Topics include setting-up programs, managing and supervising staff, business practices, community relations, and making decisions about equipment, materials, meals, and nutrition. Prerequisite: Completion of EDEC 1020. (3 lect.)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Setting-up programs
  • Managing and supervising staff
  • Business practices
  • Community relations
  • Decision making about equipment, materials, meals, and nutrition


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate the skills and the knowledge needed to operate a preschool or child-care center.

2. Apply these skills and the knowledge to practical situations a director might face.

3. Analyze the issues confronting a director.

4. Develop a logical plan of action.

Other Information

Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:

Student assessment will be based on attendance/participation, projects, quizzes, and a final exam.