EDEC 1100 Observation and Guidance of Young Children

This course offers the opportunity to learn and practice effective and practical methods of meeting the needs of young children as individuals and as members of a group, in an approved early childhood setting. The lab component provides related, supervised on-site experience in an approved early childhood center. Emphasis is on creating and maintaining positive and constructive learning environments, completing assessments of children, recording behaviors, planning activities, creating materials and learning environments, scheduling, behavior management, and maintaining parent-teacher communication. A current Wyoming substitute teaching permit or completed approved background check is needed before placement in a classroom. See instructor for appropriate forms and required fee. Prerequisites: Completion of EDEC 1020. (2 lect., 2 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Child developmental stages, 3-6 years
  • Room design for early childhood ed
  • Selection of materials and equipment
  • Observation and recording behaviors
  • Developmental assessments
  • Creating the learning environment-activities, materials
  • Scheduling- activities, transitions, eating, rest, etc.
  • Positive, effective behavior management
  • Managing misbehavior, conflict resolution
  • Teacher observation
  • Parent-child relations
  • Teacher-parent relations
  • Family and culture


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Respond to the needs of young children, parents, coworkers, and themselves as a professional

2. Identify the impact various factors have on child behaviors- including developmental stages, genetics, culture, family system, peer relationships, and classroom environment.

3. Apply effective methods of observation, guidance, and classroom management skill when working with young children.