CRMJ 2010 Use of Force
In today's environment the actions of law enforcement officers are strictly scrutinized. Law enforcement officers are tasked by society to reasonably use force when appropriate within the confines of their profession. The student will explore the legal, policy, and administrative context for law enforcement use of force, examine decision-making, reasonable and necessary implementation of force, and options along the use-of-force spectrum including less-lethal and deadly force. (3 lect.)
Major Topics
- Assess specific issues in the reasonable use of force
- Intelligently consider ethics in the law enforcement profession
- Describe and discuss immunity, both qualified and absolute
- Analyze utilization of less lethal instrumentality
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
Describe the challenges associated with the reasonable use of force.
Discuss the challenges associated with the law enforcement profession.
Assess specific concepts concerning police liability.
Identify laws relevant to the reasonable use of force.
Differentiate between qualified and absolute immunity.
Contrast less-lethal instrumentality.
Describe the importance of ethics in the law enforcement profession.
Discuss the spectrum of force.
Analyze best practices for policies regarding the use of force.
Other Information
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