COSC 1010 Intro to Computer Science I:
This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer programming, computer programming languages, and software engineering. The emphasis throughout the course is preparation for continued computer science studies. A modern programming language is used as the tool to develop computer programs. Prerequisite/Co-requisite: Completion of
MATH 1400, concurrent enrollment in
MATH 1400, or an appropriate score on the MATH placement test to demonstrate mastery of math skills covered in
MATH 1400. (3 lect., 2 lab)
Major Topics
- Introduction to Java
- Decision Logic
- Repetition Logic
- Java Control Structures: Part 1—Selection
- Java Control Structures: Part 2—Repetition
- Modular Design of Programs
- Java Methods
- Arrays
- Files
- Objects: Abstract Data Types
- Objects: Inheritance
In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Analyze problem statements as the first step of program design.
2. Design hierarchical modular computer programs.
3. Use hierarchy charts, data-flow diagrams and pseudo code to document the design of hierarchical modular computer programs.
4. Use an object-oriented computer programming language to implement pseudo code program designs on a computing platform.
5. Make effective use of a modern programmer’s integrated development environment.
6. Apply basic software engineering techniques in computer program implementation.
Other Information
Any information placed here must be adhered to by all instructors:
Recommended text: Java by Dissection, Pohl and McDowell
If course is taught WEB Based the following is the minimum Computing Equipment and Software required:
In order to participate in the course, you must have access to an internet-ready computer with a web browser. The following are minimum hardware and software requirements:
-Pentium processor 133 MHz or greater with MMX technology
-128 MB RAM
-Microsoft WindowsXP Operating System
-CD-ROM drive
-Modem – 14.4 kbps or higher (56 Kbps recommended)
Note: A DSL connection or Cable Internet connection is preferred
-Internet Explorer 4 (or later) OR Netscape 4.0 (or later )
-Internet access (usually an account with an Internet Service Provider)
-Printer – Either ink-jet or laser.
-Additional Requirements:
-E-mail address (An e-mail account has been established for you by the College)