In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:
1. Apply survey and mapping equipment and methods.
2. Lay out, excavate, and record materials associated with a mapping or excavation unit
3. Assess natural and cultural impacts on artifact, ecofact, feature and site preservation
4. Compare artifacts and features for a given context
5 Process, inventory, and conduct preliminary field analysis on artifacts
6. Function as an integral part of a field research project
7. Develop and apply the complex repertoire of day-to-day skills and competencies necessary for an archaeologist to function in the field and laboratory including, for example: orienteering, photography, geomorphology, drafting, survey and excavation techniques, record keeping, artifact location, collection, analysis and curation skills
8. Use appropriate technology including field and lab research and presentation equipment as mandated by the needs of the course
9. Identify experiences and knowledge which will assist in clarifying career interests