GEOG 4950 Research in:

This course provides an opportunity for students to design and conduct a field- or lab-based research project in anthropology, environmental science, human or physical geography, and/or applied geospatial science. The student will conduct a literature review, discuss scientific research and project design, perform relevant data collection and analysis, and present their work. Specific research topics will vary. (1 - 6 lect.) (Max 9)


1 - 6 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Literature review 
  • Scientific research and project design
  • Field, lab, or literature based research and data collection 
  • Data analysis
  • Scientific communication and presentation skills


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Discuss relevant literature.

Design a field- or lab-based research project in anthropology, environmental science, human or physical geography, and/or applied geospatial science.

Conduct field- or lab-based research and data collection.

Analyze data using a geographic information system and/or other appropriate statistical methodologies and programs.

Present data in posters, oral presentations, online web applications, and/or scientific papers.