AECL 1970 Crop Production Practicum 1

The student will receive hands-on skills for diverse fruit and vegetable crop production with an emphasis on soil health, organic and regenerative principles. Early season growing methods and techniques suitable for both field and garden scale production will be covered. The format consists of online learning modules with course content, quizzes, activities and in-person field based classes four days a week. Field days will include off site farm tours and guest specialists.  (6 lab)


3 credits

Major Topics

  • Sustainable, organic and regenerative agricultural practices
  • Managing soil health
  • Propagation and greenhouse management for season extension
  • Garden/field tillage and cultivation
  • Crop planning decisions for kinds, quantities and timing of crops
  • Irrigation and water conservation


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

Define sustainable agriculture and food systems.

Explain components of soil health and its relationship to plant health and the resistance/resilience of crop plants to pests and pathogens.

Explain the value of greenhouse production for season extension.

Differentiate between field and garden scale cultivation techniques.

Describe the benefits and drawbacks of different cultivation techniques.

Prepare a bed appropriate for sowing seeds and transplanting.

Develop a crop plan with considerations for kinds, quantities and timing of crops.

Compare overhead, flood and drip irrigation systems.

Identify optimal water requirements for different vegetable crops.

Describe water conservation strategies for sustainable agriculture.