Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is not tolerated. Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, cheating, tampering with electronic media and/or any conscious act by a student which gives him or her undue advantage over fellow students.

Plagiarism is copying or using the ideas or words of another without giving proper credit.

Cheating involves obtaining and making unauthorized use of answers to examinations, tests, quizzes and laboratory reports as well as copying from fellow students or submitting work that has been done by someone else.

When suspected cases of academic dishonesty arise, faculty shall seek to verify the violation and confront the student(s) involved. After establishing the violation, the appropriate sanction shall be decided by the faculty member unless such sanction involves a recommendation that the student be expelled.

In such cases, the Academic Dean and the Executive Vice President for Student and Academic Services shall be involved in deciding and imposing sanctions. A written report of the incident shall be filed with the Executive Vice President for Student and Academic Services office and a copy sent to the Student Records Office to be retained in the student’s permanent file.

Due process shall be followed at all times. A student may appeal any disciplinary sanction he or she feels is unfair or arbitrary to the Associate Vice President for Student Services, the Executive Vice President for Student and Academic Services, the Student Grievance Committee and, ultimately, to the President.