Appropriate Computer Use Policy

Policy Statement

West Liberty University makes available to its community members computing and network resources, including shared information technology resources that use text, voice, images, and video to deliver information.  These resources are to be used in a manner consistent with University policy and the law, including this policy and the University Data Privacy Policy and any other related policies created by specific departments, programs, and offices of the University.

Who Is Affected By This Policy?

The Acceptable Use Policy for West Liberty University Information Technology and Digital Resources applies to all active members of the University community, including, but not limited to, faculty, adjunct faculty, students, staff, temporary staff, University contractors and affiliates, and to authorized visitors, guests, and others for whom University technology resources and network access are made available by the University.  This policy also applies to campus visitors who avail themselves of the University’s visitor wireless network access service. 

What Is Covered By This Policy?

This policy applies to University-owned devices and systems and to University-contracted systems and services, as well as privately-owned or publicly provided devices using the University’s networks and resources.  It applies to technology administered within the University Internet domain by individual departments or members of the faculty or staff or by campus organizations, to information services hosted by dorm-resident students or by authorized resident visitors on their own hardware connected to the campus network; to the resources administered by administrative departments such as University Libraries or IT; to authorized collaborative devices connected to the campus network and using University Internet addresses; to personally-owned devices connected by wire or wireless service to the campus network from University-owned housing or via campus locations providing mobile wired access or wireless access; and to actions originating from computer systems or mobile devices maintained or used by members of the campus community off-campus including in student areas, but connecting remotely to the University's network services.  It applies to websites bearing the University credentials, even when hosted outside the University’s Internet domain.


1.  Acceptable Use

a.  Institutional Use - Use of all University information technology and digital resources should be for purposes that are consistent with the non-profit educational mission and the policies and legal requirements the University, and not for commercial purposes.

b.  Personal Use - Personal use of the University’s information technology and digital resources, except for students enrolled at the University, should be incidental and kept to a minimum.

c.  Prohibited Use - Use of the University’s information technology and digital resources should not violate applicable federal, state, and local law, including U. S. copyright law, or applicable University policies, and, if travel is involved, the laws of the relevant nation or state, from any location, University resources may not be used to transmit malicious, harassing, or defamatory or unprofessional content.  Also prohibited is any personal or commercial solicitation not authorized by West Liberty University.

d.  Political Use - As a governmental entity, the University is prohibited from participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to a candidate for public office, and no substantial part of the University’s activities may be directed to influencing legislation (i.e. lobbying).  Individuals may not use University technological resources for political purposes in a manner that suggests the University itself is participating in campaign or political activity or fundraising, or for influencing legislation.  Any other use with respect to political activity must be permitted by applicable University policy and consistent with applicable laws.

2.  Access and Privacy

The University has the legal right, to access, preserve and review all information stored on or transmitted through its electronic services, equipment and systems (collectively, “IT Systems").  The University endeavors to afford reasonable privacy for individual users and does not access information created and/or stored by individual users on its IT Systems except when it determines that it has a legitimate operational need to do so.  

3.  Protection of University Resources

Users of University information technology and digital resources are responsible for protecting University data, including its confidentiality, integrity, access, retention and disposal, in accordance with the University’s Information Privacy Policy and other applicable University policies.  Individuals with University accounts or administrative responsibility over any University resources should take reasonable measures to protect these accounts and resources.  Shared University technological resources should be used for educational purposes and to carry out the legitimate business of the University and should not be used in a way that disrupts or otherwise interferes with any University activities or systems or that is inconsistent with the University’s policies or goals. 

4.  Violations and Penalties

Violations of the policy may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal from employment, expulsion from further study and termination, or suspension of network privileges.