Undergraduate Catalog

A.A.S. in Applied Health Studies

Area of Study Overview

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The Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree with an area of study in Applied Health Studies helps mid-career adults in a wide range of applied fields meet their educational and professional needs. While the Associate in Applied Science is considered to be a terminal degree, many, but not all, of the credits may be applied to one of the University’s bachelor's degree programs. It is a 60-credit program.

Earning Credit in the A.A.S. Area of Study:

Students usually enter with many of the credits in the career track completed from military or civilian training. If the area of study has not already been completed, students may use prior learning assessment (PLA) to gain college credit for their knowledge. There are few distance learning opportunities in most of the A.A.S. career tracks. Credits in general education and free electives may be earned by a wide variety of methods.

Credit Distribution

I. General Education Featured Courses (21 Credits)

Some TESU Featured Courses are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas and can be viewed on our website under General Education CoursesTo plan your program please contact an academic advisor.  

A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (12 Credits)

ENC-1010Writing for Success


ENC-1020Writing for Success II


MAT-1050Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics


SOS-1100Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today


For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Intellectual and Practical Skills.

B. Civic and Global Leadership (3 Credits)

SOC-1010Our Changing World: An Introduction to Sociology


For additional TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Diversity Intercultural Literacy.

C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (3 Credits)

SOC-2100Marriage and the Family


For additional TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Social Sciences.

D. Scientific Knowledge (3 Credits)

EAS-1010General Earth Science



CIS-1070Computer Concepts and Applications


For additional TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Scientific Knowledge.

II. Applied Health Studies Requirements (21 Credits)

Complete 18 credits in the Applied Health Studies area and the 3 credit Capstone course. For course options, please contact an academic advisor.

Associate Capstone

APS-2950Associate Capstone


III. Electives (18 Credits)

For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses.

TRANSFER REQUIREMENT: TESU accepts credits in transfer from accredited institutions as well as non-collegiate providers. View information and resources on where you may find additional learning experiences.

Total Credit Hours: 60